Seed Germination Guide
An introduction to starting carnivorous plants from seed.
Sowing Seeds Step-by-Step
Instructions for growing wetland carnivorous plants from seed.
Drosera Seed Scarification
Some seeds need to have their seed coats abraded in order to germinate quickly.
Growing Sarracenia from Seed
Sarracenia are large outdoor plants that can be grown from seed started in the house.
Seed Images
There are no guarantees the seeds are correctly identified.
Drosera Seed Images
CP Seed Images other than Drosera
For more information please see the Species Specific Growing Guides.
Leaf Cuttings/Pullings
Dionaea Leaf Pullings Step-by-Step
Every time you transplant your VFTs you should take leaf pullings to make new plants.
Drosera Leaf Cuttings
Some species of Drosera are so easy to propagate by leaf cuttings you can't help accidentally doing them. Others are a little more difficult...
Mexican Pinguicula Leaf Pullings
Mexican Pinguicula leaf pullings are very easy to do if you have succulent, non-carnivorous leaves. Carnivorous leaves will work if you are careful.
Heliamphora nutans Propagation without Pain
Turn cleaning accidents into new plants.
Darlingtonia Vegetative Propagation
A quick way to get more Darlingtonia plants.
Nepenthes Propagation via stem cuttings
Nepenthes getting too big? Take stem cuttings.
Rice, Barry A. (2004) Leaf Pullings: a 'new' way to propagate Sarracenia vegetatively. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 33(4):123-126 ( PDF )
Divisions / Gemmae
Dividing Sarracenia Step-by-Step
Sarracenia like to grow. Divide your plants to keep them healthy and to provide presents for your friends.
Pygmy Drosera Gemmae Step-by-Step
How to collect, plant, and ship gemmae.
Isenberg, Tobias (2004) Experiences With Propagation of Sarracenia flava (Sarraceniaceae) Through Division With Only One Growing Spot. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 33(2):36-37 ( PDF )
Tissue Culture
Pelto, Matthew C. and Jon T. Lindstrom (2003) In Vitro Propagation of Byblis filifolia (Byblidaceae). Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 32(3):74-77 ( PDF )
Conner, David (2006) Propagating Dionaea by tissue culture using flower stalks. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 35(3):79-83 ( PDF )
Hybrids and other Genetic Manipulation
Colchicine Treatment and Toxicity
A report on the effects of colchicine at different concentrations.
Snyder, Ivan (2000) Colchicine Treatment on Sterile Hybrid sundews. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 29(1):4-10 ( PDF )
Barry, Sean (2000) Colchicine Hazards. Carniv. Pl. Newslett. 29(1):10 ( PDF )
Pinguicula grandiflora seedlings.
Darlingtonia sprouts. Darlingtonia seeds need stratification and planting like Sarracenia. However they must be kept cooler and they do not respond well to soil fertilization.
Nepenthes seedling.