International Carnivorous Plant Society

Francis Ernest Lloyd

Francis Ernest Lloyd (1868–1947)

Francis Ernest Lloyd was an American botanist. He was born in Manchester, England. He was educated at Princeton University (A.B., 1891; A.M., 1895) in New Jersey, and in Europe at Munich and Bonn, in Germany. He was employed at various institutions of higher learning from 1891 onwards. He served on the faculties of Williams College; Pacific University; Teachers College (Columbia University); Harvard Summer School; Alabama Polytechnic Institute as professor of botany, 1906–1912; and at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada after 1912.

Lloyd had worked as an investigator in the Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution in 1906, and as a cytologist of the Arizona Experiment Station in 1907. He edited The Plant World from 1905 to 1908, and was co-author of The Teaching of Biology in the Secondary Schools (1904; second edition, 1914).  Lloyd wrote: The Comparative Embryology of the Rubiaceae (1902). The Physiology of Stomata (1908). Guayule (1911).

The Carnivorous Plants (1942), was Lloyd's the most complete scientific treatment, with particular emphasis on the trapping mechanisms, of all known Carnivorous Plants genera at the time. Lloyd devoted much of his life’s work in botany to the study of carnivorous plants, and this book, published 5 years before his death, was the culmination of all his study in the field.


For more information on the life of Francis Ernest Lloyd please see Wikipedia.

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Lloyd Carnivorous Plants book




Francis Ernest Lloyd

Francis Ernest Lloyd (right) with chemist Helen Miles Davis. Acc. 90-105 - Science Service, Records, 1920s-1970s, Smithsonian Institution Archives.