Conservation Grants
Since 2003, the ICPS has financially supported land management work at carnivorous plant sites in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and two sites in North Carolina. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and the biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Because of this work, ICPS members can take pride in helping maintain homes for species such as Sarracenia jonesii, Sarracenia alata, Sarracenia psittacina, and at least 15 other species of carnivorous plants. Read Barry Rice's reports about ICPS conservation efforts related to poaching ( PDF ), restoration of a North Carolina mountain bog ( PDF ), and other projects ( PDF ).
The ICPS helps fund prescribed burns at Splinter Hill Bog Preserve
The ICPS has provided funds to The Nature Conservancy to help cover the costs of prescribed burns at the Splinter Hill Bog Preserve in Baldwin County, Alabama. The site contains Sarracenia leucophylla, Sarracenia rubra subsp. wherryi, Sarracenia psittacina and Sarracenia rosea. Brian Barnes visited the reserve to view the result of TNC's work. His report was published in the September 2009 issue of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter ( PDF ).
Splinter Hill Bog Preserve Study
The ICPS provided a grant to researchers at the University of South Alabama to study Sarracenia at the Nature Conservancy's Splinter Hill Bog Preserve. The study looked at physical factors associated with where each of the species were located in the bog. This is important information for the management of Sarracenia populations in the wild. Their results were published in the March 2016 issue of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter ( PDF ).
Sarracenia alabamensis Distribution Program
Theft of rare carnivorous plants has a become a serious problem in the Southeast United States. As part of our efforts to reduce the loss of endangered species in the wild, the ICPS acquired a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the sale of Sarracenia alabamensis plants. We grew the plants from legally collected seed and distributed the plants for a nominal fee to ICPS members.
In 2003, volunteers distributed Sarracenia alabamensis plants to 159 ICPS members. To read more about the project, please see the sale announcement (PDF) and summary of the results (PDF).
The ICPS helps fund preservation of Sarracenia alabamensis sites
The Nature Conservancy manages a number of Sarracenia alabamensis sites in Alabama. Sarracenia alabamensis is listed as an endangered species and is becoming increasingly rare owing to habitat degredation and loss. The ICPS has used member donations to help The Nature Conservancy pay for prescribed burns to maintain Sarracenia alabamensis sites in their natural state. Brian Barnes visited Sarracenia alabamensis sites with TNC managers to view the result of ICPS member donations. His report was published in the September 2010 issue of Carnivorous Plant Newsletter ( PDF ).
Sarracenia purpurea var. montana Recovery Initiatives
Sarracenia purpurea var. montana is a rare pitcher plant found only in a few bogs in the Appalachian mountains. This plant is in particular peril because of ecosystem-wide threats of changes in the hydrology, fire suppression, and development. The ICPS is helping fund a restoration project at the only Sarracenia purpurea var. montana bog remaining in Georgia. The work, being implemented by staff of Atlanta Botanical Gardens, will increase the one relict population to a viable network of several bogs. This is Barry Rice's report on the project as published in the December 2003 issue of CPN ( PDF ).
Butterfly Valley Drosera x hybrida Removal
The ICPS assisted the US Forest Service identify and remove an exotic carnivore planted out in a protected national botanical area.
See our report on the Butterfly Valley Drosera x hybrida Removal.
Sarracenia leucophylla at Splinter Hill Bog. Photo © Barry Rice,
New growth of Sarracenia oreophila after a prescribed burn. Note the ring of growth points. That plant is old! Photo © Barry Rice,
Long lid form of Sarracenia alabamensis. This variant was among the plants distributed by the ICPS in 2003.
Darlingtonia californica at the Butterfly Valley Botanical Area. The Butterfly Valley Botanical Area is a special place. The ICPS helped the US Forest Service identify and remove exotic carnivorous plants planted out by misguided ICPS members.