International Carnivorous Plant Society

Marianne North

Marianne North (1830 – 1890)

Marianne North was a prolific English Victorian biologist and botanical artist, notable for her plant and landscape paintings, her extensive foreign travels, her writings, her plant discoveries and the creation of her gallery at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

The scientific accuracy with which North documented plant life in all parts of the world, before photography became a practical option, gives her work a permanent value. Plant species named in her honour include Areca northiana, Chassalia northiana, Crinum northianum, Kniphofia northiae, Nepenthes northiana, and the genus name Northia.

Kew Gardens claims that the North Gallery (situated in the east section of the gardens) is "the only permanent solo exhibition by a female artist in Britain". In this collection are numerous works that depict Carnivorous plants, perhaps the most famous being Nepenthes northiana.


For more information on the life of Marianne North please see Wikipedia.

The ICPS claims no copyright on the content of this page. Please see the list of sources used for the pages on key historical figures in the study of carnivorous plants.


Nepenthes northiana

Painting of Nepenthes northiana by Marianne North.




Marianne North

Marianne North at her home in Ceylon before 1879. Photographed by Julia Margaret Cameron.


Nepenthes northiana

Nepenthes northiana. Photo © Richard Nunn.